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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Listening is a Gift.

Today we had an author's tea, really it was an author's juice. The third and fourth graders shared their writing with their parents. Students shared in front of the whole group of parents first and then they shared privately.
Each student was eager to be heard as they read their Native American Legends, poems, and slice of life writing. Students were able to share their published writing and their writing in progress. After we had a little refreshments and shared our thoughts about the tea. I thought to myself as they shared their thoughts...listening is a gift. It is so important to stop and let someone know that what they are saying matters. I am reminded of that today as I think about the smiles on the students and parents faces as each student shared.


  1. I love this idea...and your thought: "listening is a gift. It is so important to stop and let someone know that what they are saying matters" is fantastically true! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I agree with Robin. At the beginning of the year, I focus on listening skills and model what active listening looks like. I think we often forget how important this skill is.

  3. What a wonderful day, each writer in your class was heard by others. Some writers may say they do it for themselves, but I think most want to be heard.
